
Whilst not currently pursuing any major Amateur Radio activities ( I have quite a diverse interest in vintage electronics and computing), I thought it would be a good time to reflect on what aspects of the hobby I’ve participated in so far…

I was licensed at the age of 15. When I was young and keen I was a member of the Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society from 1979 until 1981. I’d like to thank them for the assistance provided with helping me pass the RAE and loaning me equipment when I was too poor to buy my own.

In 1981 I re-located to Nottingham for further education followed by gainful employment and I’ve been here ever since.

From 1991 to 2000 I operated various packet radio nodes and a BBS (mailbox) GB7BAD

From 2003 – 2007 I ran a beacon monitoring project on the 5MHz band monitoring propagation conditions in real-time and updating via my website.

From 2006 to 2020, along with other amateurs from the Nottingham area, I build and operated two analogue voice repeaters GB3NM (70cm) and GB3NF (2m). These now continue to operate under the care of Shane M0VUB.

More recently I’ve also run some analogue Echolink gateways and a DV gateway from home. I also run a couple of internet support groups for the Kenwood TS-790 and AEA PK-900.

Now I’m not as young but still feel keen from time-to-time. Maybe I’ll work you on the bands.


Nick G4IRX

Last updated 25th July 2024